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Homeschool Matters

Jamie Heston
Apr 6, 20234 min read
Homeschooling: I'm Screwing Them Up, Right?
You're worried. Will my kids be ok? Am I doing homeschool right?? Have I ruined their chances to go to college? How do homeschoolers...
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Jamie Heston
Feb 3, 20232 min read
Unit Studies! The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread?
How can you help your child turn a beloved interest into a comprehensive and engaging learning opportunity? Is it possible to cover...
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Jamie Heston
Jan 1, 20232 min read
2022 Mandatory Kindergarten Bill Veto : What It Means For Homeschoolers
For years, the Homeschool Association of California has been advising parents not to include their five-year-old children on the private...
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Jamie Heston
Mar 2, 20227 min read
Do Your Kids Hate Writing? Do less.
In my experience, there are three types of writing to be concerned with when it comes to education: the physical act of writing, creative...
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Jamie Heston
Dec 1, 20215 min read
Homeschooling: What About Tests and Grading?
If I tested you today on information you were presented with back in high school, how well do you think you’d do? Probably not so well,...
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Jamie Heston
Oct 6, 20217 min read
OK, I'm Homeschooling. But What Do We "DO" All Day?
So, you've decided to homeschool. You've figured out your state laws and requirements and have unenrolled your children from their...
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Jamie Heston
Aug 28, 20215 min read
Homeschooling? Ready, Set...Take Your Time!
Why do parents assume they must have every single homeschool detail figured out on day one?

Jamie Heston
Aug 17, 20212 min read
An Argument Against All-In-One Homeschool Curriculum
An Argument Against All In One Homeschool Curriculum
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